Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a rare type of cancer that is generally diagnosed in those aged over 70 years. However, cancer can also strike younger people. Pancreatic cancer statistics are not encouraging, with a very high mortality rate. Only 15 to 20 percent of patients are still alive after five years of suffering from pancreatic cancer.

The pancreas is an organ in the upper abdomen that were under the hull and adjacent to the first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum. The pancreas consists of two parts: exocrine glands that secrete enzymes for digestion, and endocrine glands that produce hormones, including insulin to regulate blood sugar. Tumors can develop in one or both parts of the pancreas.
Smoking increases the risk of pancreatic cancer nearly tripled. The risk increases with the intensity and duration of smoking, and decreases with smoking cessation. Other risk factors are found in pancreatic cancer is hereditary, but genetic predisposition explain only a fraction of these cancers. Other risk factors are suspected of alcohol consumption and a diet rich in animal fats.
The discovery of pancreatic cancer is often delayed because symptoms like other diseases. Another problem of pancreatic cancer because the organ is hidden and cancer usually does not cause any symptoms until the advanced stages. The most obvious signs are jaundice. Jaundice is characterized by a yellowish skin, dark urine and pale stools. Other signs of pancreatic cancer is abdominal pain that radiates to the back, and not lost by conventional analgesics. Without cause fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss are common signs of cancer are not specific to pancreatic cancer.
Other functional disorders of pancreatic tumors are:    gag,    bowel problems,     food intolerance,     chronic diarrhea,     diabetes,     discomfort and hypoglycemia,     peptic ulcers,     phlebitis,     inflammation of the bile duct, and     inflammation of the pancreas

Pancreatic cancer is usually found incidentally when a blood test or CT-scan for different problems. The location of the pancreas that make it hidden and inaccessible to physical examination as well as breast cancer or prostate cancer.
There is no blood test that can reliably test for pancreatic cancer. Many people know that the pancreas is where insulin is made, but the cells that do not normally involved in cancer. In contrast, cancer occurs in cells manufacturing the enzymes that help you digest fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in the food you eat. Most of the attacks the pancreatic cancer which produce these enzymes.
Pancreatic cancer can be characterized by an increase in "tumor markers" on the substance produced by cancer cells: CA 19-9 in cancerous exocrine gland and chromogranin A in endocrine cancer. However, this screening method is not always reliable. Signs may remain stable despite the cancer. In contrast, other diseases can cause an increase in height, such as gallstones or pancreatitis. As a result, doctors do not just use a blood test to detect this disease. They complement the results of a blood test with another medical examination.
Abdominal imaging
Pancreatic tumors may be found during ultrasound or CT-scan. Ultrasound and CT-scan to visualize the pancreatic tumor and the possible consequences, such as compression of the bile duct. If the cancer is found in the head of the pancreas, bile duct can be depressed. Test also aims to explore the possibility of organ involvement, or lymph vessels near the pancreas. The results of this investigation to determine tumor stage. Additional tests can be performed, such as endoscopy pancreas. Performed under general anesthesia, the test is to observe the bile ducts and pancreas by injecting a contrast agent (radiopaque).
Every cancer hypothesis should be confirmed by laboratory studies a small sample (biopsy) of pancreatic tissue taken by a doctor during a special ultrasound, performed under general anesthesia and the so-called echo-endoscopy. Research hormonal function (hypoglycemia, diabetes, etc.) will also be very useful. Sometimes surgical exploration of the pancreas is needed to conclude with certainty the presence of pancreatic cancer.

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