Kamis, 13 September 2012

Hit Cancer and Cholesterol with Yoghourt

Yogurt or sour milk is cowed's milk products are the healthiest. Why? Because the nutrients contained in the yogurt is more easily absorbed, increase endurance and be able to lower cholesterol and prevent cancer.
Now more and more diverse types of yogurt in the market and is positioned as a drink and not commonly used as side dishes blend in the world. Along with the growing awareness of the importance of healthy food, the yogurt also. Here are some health benefits of yoghourt.

Endurance Body and Lower Hypertension

Yogurt are made from milk that has been fermented with some kind of friendly intestinal bacteria, such as lactobacillus acidophilus, L. Bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophiles. The fermentation process yoghourt enriched nutritional content into a rich intake of protein and vitamins, especially folic acid high quality required in maintaining the immune system.

Of the few studies conducted on animals, and humans reported that eating yogurt regularly will help to normalize and lower blood cholesterol. Because the yogurt contained orotate acid that can compete with cholesterol from food in the formation of cholesterol in the liver, resulting in the production of cholesterol remained normal.

Prevent Cancer

The results of the study also reported that eating yogurt regularly can prevent cancer, especially colon cancer, breast and bladder. The content in yogurt may stimulate the immune system, such as increased substance interferon and produce cells capable of attacking tumor seeds.

Elements of probiotic in yogurt also will suppress growth and microbial activity in the small intestine producing carcinogens and other ingredients that can cause cancer. Yogurt also produces the butyrate compounds that stimulates the body to be able to kill the abnormal cells causing the growth of cancer.

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