Kamis, 13 September 2012

Prevent Stroke with olive oil

Olive oil may reduce the risk of stroke in the elderly. Thus, the conclusion of a recent study conducted in three French cities in people aged 65 years and above were observed for an average of five years. The aging who regularly cook with olive oil or use it in salad dressings known stroke risk 41% lower than those who rarely eat them. From the observed 7625 senile, 148 people have a stroke in the study. Overall stroke rate was 1.5% in the olive oil users and 2.6% in non-users. The results are reported in the journal Neurology (15/06/2011).

Substitution effect?
Eating less saturated fat harmful improve users' health olive oil. As we know, other oils such as butter oil, sunflower oil and animal fats can increase the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular problems. Elements of olive oil itself, including oleic acid or polyphenols, also may hold secret protection effect, said Samieri. Polyphenols are antioxidant nutrients that reduce inflammation in the vascular system. Oleic acid, the main fatty acid in olive oil, contribute to lower bad cholesterol, which is harmful to the cardiovascular system.

Long before this study, the health benefits of olive oil are well known. In Finland, a public health program that began in the 90s has invited the public to use olive oil. As a result, 65% reduced incidence of stroke, heart attack reduced by 75% and 65% reduced cancer. An independent U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that "the scientific evidence is limited and not conclusive suggests that eating about two tablespoons (23 grams) of olive oil daily may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease due to a single-chain unsaturated fat in it. To achieve these potential benefits, use olive oil to replace the same amount of saturated fat and not increase the number of calories you eat in a day. "

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