Rabu, 05 September 2012

Recognizing Hypertension in Our Bodies

Blood pressure was measured according to the duty cycle of the heart. The highest pressure, occurs when the heart contracts, called the systolic pressure. Lowest pressure, occurs when the heart relaxes in phase, called the diastolic pressure. The results of blood pressure measurement is expressed in systolic and diastolic pressure, for example: 120/80 mmHg. The magnitude of systolic and diastolic blood pressure are equally useful for determining the type of hypertension that occurs and how to handle it.
Normal blood pressure in adult humans is below 120/80 mm / Hg. Generally, blood pressure above 140/90 is considered high. Someone recently said to have hypertension if the two measurements by clinicians consistently show blood pressure above 140/90.

Primary and Secondary Hypertension
In general, high blood pressure were classified according to the cause. High blood pressure is not known why it is called primary or essential hypertension. Hypertension is usually associated with genes or are descendants. Approximately 90-95 percent of cases of high blood pressure is the primary. High blood pressure is caused by another disease or condition is called secondary hypertension. For example, renovascular hypertension caused by kidney disease.

Dangers of hypertension
hypertension is a dangerous condition. If not managed properly, high blood pressure can eventually cause the heart to work too hard so seriously damaged. For example, the heart muscle to thicken (hypertrophy) and abnormal functioning or pumping less powerful. High blood pressure can also cause damage to the brain, eyes and kidneys. In these organs are soft arterial tissue is easily damaged by high pressure.

 Hypertension increases the risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke. Approximately half of the people who had a heart attack and two-thirds of people affected by stroke is hypertension. In general, hypertension can not be cured but can be managed and controlled with diet and medication.

At the age of under 55 years, hypertension affects more men. After menopause (which generally occurs at the age of 50-an), the risk of hypertension in women increased, mainly due to the reduction of certain hormones. At age 75, hypertension diidap more women than men.

 During pregnancy, some women may be exposed to high blood pressure, even when previously they did not have it. Gestational hypertension is believed to increase the risk of high blood pressure and stroke in elderly women. Pre-eclampsia, a condition associated with high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine of pregnant women, is one of the major causes of maternal and infant mortality in Indonesia.

Signs and symptoms
Most people with hypertension are not aware of its presence. If there are symptoms, the patient may experience the following complaints:

·         Fatigue

·         Confused

·         Stomach nausea

·         Vision problems

·         Excessive sweating

·         Pale or red skin

·         Nosebleed

·         Anxious or restless

·         Hard heartbeat or irregular (palpation)

·         Voice ringing in the ears

·         Erectile Dysfunction

·         Headache

·         Dizziness

·         Treatment

 Hypertensive treatment depends on the severity and cause. Patients with primary hypertension with blood pressure above 140/90 would probably get the drugs controller. Your doctor may also recommend lifestyle changes to control their blood pressure, including:

·         Stop smoking. In addition to numerous other health problems, smoking also increases blood pressure.

·         Losing weight. Weight reduction can quickly reduce high blood pressure and ease the work of the heart.

·         Taking vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. Research shows vitamin C is beneficial to keep the arteries stay flexible. Vitamin E, B, potassium, magnesium and calcium are also useful to maintain blood pressure.

·         Regular aerobic exercise. Regularity of exercise is more important than instensitasnya. Excessive exercise can be harmful to your heart health. Ask your doctor before you start sports activities.

·         Reduce salt intake to a maximum of 2 grams per day.

·         Managing emotions to reduce stress, relax, pursue hobbies, social activities and sufficient rest.

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