Minggu, 02 September 2012

Symptoms of Heart Disease

The heart is a bunch of fist-sized muscle. Its function is to pump blood that carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells that need energy and transport wastes the body's cells. Various organ disorders have similar symptoms and characteristics. Heart failure is a condition in which the heart does not function normally or abilities decline. The heart has a specialized muscle depends on the ability of the blood pressure in the body. If high blood pressure, the greater the muscle work. Unlike other body muscles, the more heart muscle, its ability to pump blood even decline. Weak strength of the heart muscle is very difficult to overcome because its characteristics are very different from other body muscles. What can be done is to optimize the strength of the heart that pump blood strongly enough drugs. Typical signs of heart failure include: 1. Shortness of breath When the heart starts to weaken its function, blood back into the blood vessels that supply oxygen from the lungs to the heart. As a result, breathing becomes impaired. Usually symptoms appear as shortness of breath during exercise or other activities. If the condition worsens, shortness of breath can occur while resting or sleeping. Shortness of breath is experienced will cause the body to feel tired and anxious. 2. Fatigue When the heart is weakened, the heart can not pump enough blood to meet all the needs of the body. As compensation, blood is diverted from the less important parts of the body, such as arms and legs, to supply the more important such as the heart and brain. As a result, sufferers often feel weak, especially in the arms and legs and have difficulty doing normal activities such as walking, climbing stairs or carrying heavy loads. 3. Chronic Cough The buildup of fluid in the lungs may cause coughing or wheezing refractory. Sometimes to produce phlegm or mucus mixed with blood. 4. Fast heartbeat or irregular The heart can speed up the pulse to compensate for its inability to pump blood throughout the body. Patients will feel heart palpitations or irregular heartbeat sometimes. 5. Decreased appetite When the liver and digestive system is working hard but failed to receive a healthy blood supply, the result appears nausea or satiety but not eaten. This disorder plus a variety of other factors can lead to rapid weight loss. 6. Impaired thinking Abnormal levels of certain substances in the blood such as sodium and reduced blood flow to the brain can interfere with memory or disorientation. However, patients with heart failure often do not realize it themselves. 7. The buildup of fluid and swelling Due to impaired blood flow to the kidney, the kidney produces a hormone which causes salt and water retention. The result is a swelling or also called edema. This condition is most common in the wrist and ankle. We can recognize the symptoms of heart failure in this from what I experienced before being attacked like to feel fatigue, abdominal bloating, feel tight and enlargement of the liver and heart if radiological tests. Impaired diastolic function. Hypertension will change the structure / morphology of the heart muscle and gradually reduces the ability of elasticity. Final pressure is increasing cardiac relaxation, making it difficult to reverse flow from the lungs into the left atrium of the heart. Fluid in the lungs will easily seep into the air sacs, causing shortness of breath. Thus, the lungs also become susceptible to increased blood pressure (diastolic) in the heart. In these circumstances, when blood pressure suddenly jumped high, there may be a gravity jantungdan lungs due to large amounts of fluid seepage and extends to almost all air pockets in the lungs. patient will complain of severe breathlessness. More relieved to take a sitting or half-asleep, because when lying down the fluid in the lungs would occupying almost the entire space ventilation. Heart rate increases to compensate for the reduced content of sekuncup, to bulk-minute heart to meet the body's needs. Hence the weak of heart, at first complained quickly tired, coughing up severe breathlessness, palpitation accompanied the increasingly tight. Comorbidities, other circumstances that helped incriminate this trip heart disease is coronary heart disease. In the state of shortage / deficit of oxygen supply to the heart muscle due to narrowing of the coronary arteries, the available energy prioritized for systolic function first. In other words, running out of energy for relaxation. Increasingly impaired diastolic function and further weaken the function of the heart.

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